How to fix computer issues with the Cleveland Office Kyocera printer

Sometimes the Cleveland office printer does not automatically get set up on your computer. 

To set it up manually is fairly straightforward. 

Hit the Windows key and type “Printer” and click on “Printers and scanners”:

Click “Add a printer”, which often does not find the correct printer. If it finds it, go ahead and try it, but if it isn’t the right one or it doesnt find it, click “The printer that I want isn’t listed”:

Here’s where it gets funny. You DO want to click “My printer is a little older. Help me find it.”. Then it very likely will show up. But if it doesn’t, click Next.

Then you need to look for the printer brand on the left – Kyocera – and then find this specific model number: Kyocera CS 4003i XPS. Install THAT. Then you should be good to go. Try printing a test page. 

That should do it!

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